April General Meeting – Lorraine Woodruff-Long, Speaker

Petaluma Veterans Building

Lorraine Woodruff-Long is a self-taught quilter living in San Francisco. Her work features intense color, improvisational piecing, and the use of recycled/repurposed fabrics. Lorraine’s passion is creating quilts as social and political commentary. Lorraine is a transplanted Texan firmly rooted in San Francisco having fallen in love with The City upon arrival 35 years ago. Following [...]

December – Holiday Party

The Cottages 576 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA, United States

Join us for a fun evening! It's our annual Holiday Party! Please NOTE: Location is at The Cottages, 576 N McDowell Blvd NOT Vet's Building ‘Tis the Season! Let's have a big old Year End Show and Tell.  Potluck Dinner and Jayne will share a fun Christmas craft. Please contact Jayne for the list of [...]